Furnizarea de echipamente IT, configurarea instalarea si intretinerea sistemelor informatice si a retelelor de calculatoare
Providing IT equipment, configuring the installation and maintenance of computer systems and computer networks

Dezvoltarea aplicatiilor software si web based specializate pentru diverse domenii de activitate si personalizate necesitatilor.
Development of specialized software and web based applications for various fields of activity and customized to the needs.

Solutie integrata de prezentare online: web design, print design, identitate, prezentari multimedia + WEBHOSTING
Integrated online presentation solution: web design, print design, identity, multimedia presentations + WEBHOSTING

.ro - consultanta si solutii IT la cheie
Bine ati venit pe site-ul companiei noastre.
furnizeaza servicii IT complete pentru afacerea dumneavoastra.
Utilizarea de resurse IT este si va fi critica pentru succesul oricarei companii din Romania in urmatorii ani.
Scopul nostru este acela de a ajuta in identificarea nevoilor IT si in furnizarea de consultanta si solutii IT care sa satisfaca pe deplin aceste nevoi.
reprezinta o echipa de profesionisti pregatiti pentru dezvoltarea oricarei solutii informatice folosind cele mai noi tehnologii in domeniu, astfel incat afacerea dumneavoastra sa devina mai eficienta respectiv mai rentabila.
Preocuparea permanenta de a satisface necesitatile clientilor nostri, de a-i ajuta sa-si eficientizeze companiile pentru a deveni tot mai profitabile reprezinta pentru noi o adevarata provocare.
De asemenea, am lucrat la articole pentru clienți precum https://comprogear.com/best-egg-white-protein-powder/.
.ro - consulting and turnkey IT solutions
Welcome to the website of our company.
provides complete IT services for your business. The use of IT resources is and will be critical to the success of any company in Romania in the coming years. Our goal is to help identify IT needs and provide IT consulting and solutions that fully meet these needs.
is a team of professionals trained to develop any IT solution using the latest technologies in the field, so that your business becomes more efficient and more profitable.
Permanent concern to meet the needs of our clients, to help them make their companies more efficient in order to become more profitable is a real challenge for us.
We've also worked on client articles like https://comprogear.com/best-egg-white-protein-powder/.
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Latest News
Ianuarie 14, 2020 (January 14, 2020)
Pixel Studio ajută șosetele de compresie ComproGear ale clientului pe Amazon.com cu un pachet complet de web design și grafică.
Pixel Studio helps client ComproGear Compression Socks with a complete graphics and web design package, including a measuring and using ted hose size chart.
Ianuarie 6, 2020 (January 6, 2020)
Incepand cu luna Ianuarie 2020 ofera serviciul de HOSTING gratuit tuturor care aleg unul din pachetele de webdesign ce le oferim. Serviciul de HOSTING va ofera baze de date nelimitate, hosting nelimitat, trafic nelimitat si emailuri nelimitate.
Starting with January 2020 offers the free hosting service to all those who choose one of the webdesign packages we offer. The HOSTING service offers you unlimited databases, unlimited hosting, unlimited traffic and unlimited emails.
Iulie 6, 2019 (July 6, 2019)
Pentru ca afacerea ta sa prospere pune la dispozitie ultimele tehnologii in materie de optimizare web.
For your business to thrive offers the latest web optimization technologies. |
Ianuarie 14, 2020 (January 14, 2020)
Pixel Studio ajută la standardele de dietă vegan dha prenatale pentru mamele însărcinate cu o reproiectare completă a ambalajelor produsului
Pixel Studio helps client Diet Standards vegan prenatal dha with a complete product packaging re-design for their pregnant dha supplement.